Робота з учнями

Для учнів 4 класу. Завдання з теми "Holidays"
Опрацювати с 70-75 за посиланням:
Виконати вправи на с 44-45
Робочий зошит
Під час роботи з підручником необхідно слухати аудіододатки до вправ
Аудіододатки до уроків

Dear 10th formers! These are the topics for writting e-mails. Send your letters to the adress: 
annadaneliuk@gmail.com.  Wish you luck!

Topic #1
You are going to miss your English class tomorrow. Write  a message to your teacher. Include the information
- apologize;
- explain why you can't be at the lesson;
- ask what you can do to cover the work you miss.

Topic #2
There is an English club in your school. Write an announcement.
- when and where it meets;
- who to phone;
- mention the website.

Topic #3
Write e-mail to your penfriend. Tell him/her about the place you live. Write about:
- means of transport:
- things to do and see;
- activities for young people.

Topic #4

You want to join a penfriend's site on the Internet. Write about:
- briefly describe how you look;
- what kind of person you are and what interests you have;
- explain why you want to exchange letters.

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